Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Coffee and Car Accidents: A Deadlier Combination Than You Think

A recent study by Exxon Mobil Corp. reveals that at least 70 percent of drivers admit to eating while driving and another 83 percent admit to drinking beverages. While this may not seem like a big deal, eating or drinking while driving could be even more dangerous than texting. New statistics from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration show that 80 percent of all car accidents and 65 percent of “close calls” are caused by distracted drivers, many of whom are munching or sipping rather than focusing on the road.
Coffee and Car Accidents: A Deadlier Combination Than You Think

Coffee Ranks Number One
Of all the things you could eat or drink on the road, coffee is the worst, according to studies. Even with a travel lid on the beverage, the chances of coffee spilling when a driver hits a bump are high, and having scalding liquid land on your lap is sure to cause stress and slow down reaction times to dangers in the road.

Coffee and other hot drinks made the top of the list of most dangerous foods, but studies also indicate that burgers, tacos, hot dogs, fried chicken and doughnuts can also be dangerous due to the increased need for “hands-on” management of these types of foods. Even soda made the list due to the possibility of it spilling or fizzing while driving.

Distracted Driving Dangers
While a great deal of focus has been placed on texting and driving, there are other distracted driving factors such as food or drink that are largely ignored. The fact is that anything that takes a driver’s attention away from the road can be considered dangerous.

According to Distraction.gov, the government’s website devoted to the topic of distracted driving, the following can be considered activities that can take a driver’s attention away from driving long enough to be considered dangerous:

  •     Texting
  •     Using a cell phone
  •     Eating and drinking
  •     Talking to others in the car
  •     Brushing hair
  •     Applying makeup
  •     Reading
  •     Using a navigation system or GPS
  •     Watching a video
  •     Adjusting a radio, CD player, or MP3 player

Additionally, Distraction.gov offers the following frightening statistics:
  • In 2011, 3,360 people were killed in distracted driving crashes. This number decreased slightly in 2012 to 3,328. However, the number of people injured in these crashes increased during that same time period, from 387,000 in 2011 to 421,000 in 2012.
  • For drivers involved in fatal crashes who are under the age of 20, about 10 percent are reported as being distracted. The actual number may be much higher. About 27 percent of fatal distracted driving crashes involved drivers in their 20s.

While Distraction.gov focuses on cell phone use, particularly texting, the same dangers can be applied to eating or drinking while driving. Anything that causes distraction is a potential danger and should be avoided.

What If I Am The Victim of Injuries Caused By A Distracted Driver?
If you have been injured in an accident caused by a distracted driver, there are several things you should do immediately after seeking medical attention.

First, document and preserve any evidence you have that the driver was distracted. You may not know if a driver was texting, drinking, eating or otherwise engaging in dangerous behavior but if you have any indication this was the case, be sure to write it down. This may involve taking the names of anyone who was a witness to the crash.

Next, you can also talk with police officers who investigate the scene. If you think you are dealing with a distracted driving situation, ask the police officers to investigate fully.

Finally, talk to a personal injury attorney. If you suspect that the driver was distracted, you may need help protecting your rights and recovering damages from the driver.


Thursday, March 5, 2015

When Should You Hire Personal Injury Attorneys?

Like any company with a profit margin to think about, insurance companies are also designed to increase their profits while minimizing the amount that they pay out to policy holders. If you have been injured in an accident, have a loved one who has experienced nursing home abuse, or have been involved in any other incident which has left you with medical bills or other expenses, it is a good idea to seek the help of personal injury attorneys.

Without the guidance of personal injury attorneys, you will be at a significant disadvantage when trying to attain the fair compensation you deserve. Even if you have all of the paperwork and evidence that is required of you, insurance company legal teams will do their best to find loopholes to minimize the compensation you receive. Attempting to win higher compensation on your own may not lead to the most desirable results, unless you have years of legal experience yourself. Personal injury attorneys will provide the professional leverage that you need to achieve an adequate settlement.

It is common for insurers to seek quick settlement so that policy holders don’t have time to think twice about the unfair settlement they’re being offered. If your insurance adjuster is putting pressure on you to quickly settle the case, you should consider hiring personal injury attorneys.

Personal injury attorneys will also help you to determine how much compensation you should receive. All current and future expenses, such as ongoing medical care, will be assessed by personal injury attorneys so that you aren’t left with unexpected bills.

Seek the help of personal injury attorneys if you have sustained injuries, physical and/or emotional, that result in costly upfront and long-term consequences. With the help of personal injury attorneys, you will be able to rest assured that all aspects of your unique case are considered. With no stone left unturned, you will be far more likely to receive fair compensation for all immediate and future expenses.

Monday, March 2, 2015

"I Didn't do Anything. Why do I Need a Lawyer?"

Many of our clients come to us late in the court process. They often think that if they have no record, or if the didn't commit a crime, they don't need a lawyer. I can't tell you how many times I have heard someone say; "I didn't do anything. What do I need a lawyer for?"

"I Didn't do Anything. Why do I Need a Lawyer?"
They irony of this belief is that this is exactly the kind of situation where hiring an experienced criminal defense lawyer is most important! If you have no record, or feel that you did nothing wrong, you will want to preserve your clean criminal record as long as possible. You will want to hire an aggressive criminal defense lawyer that will actively challenge the prosecutor at every turn.

In order to get the best outcome possible on your case, you need to get an experienced criminal defense lawyer involved as early as possible. We find that the clients that have the most successful case outcomes are the ones that hire us before they are even charged with a crime. Obviously, this is not always possible.

If you have been charged with a crime, have been contacted by a law enforcement officer, or believe you may be the subject of a police investigation; call a criminal defense lawyer right away!
Keegan & Novick, LLP, a premier Boston criminal defense law firm, is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Call and speak to one of our criminal defense lawyers today!

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Common Truck Accident causes in Clearwater

Tractor-trailers, or any commercial truck for that matter, are essential to the American economy. However, as our economy recovers and more and more tractor-trailers travel American highways, these mechanical mammoths need to have more and more competent operators behind the wheel. Unfortunately, when there is a buck to be made, people, including truck carriers, will often turn the other cheek to potentially make a few extra dollars. Practices such as hiring unqualified drivers, violating national hour of service laws, and rigging log books all can lead to accidents that seriously injure innocent citizens.
                                            Common Truck Accident causes in Clearwater

Drunk driving: Believe it or not, drunk truck drivers are a main cause of trucking accidents. Drug use is also a problem amongst truck drivers, especially methamphetamine, which is used to get a truck driver through a dangerously long haul.

Distracted Driver: We are living in the technology age, and while this has many, many benefits, there are also some downsides. One of them being the constant need to be connected and checking of cell phones. Just like us, truck drivers have cell phones that they check while driving, along with other devices in their cockpit such as radios and dispatch devices.

Driver Fatigue: A very common problem amongst truck drivers due to the nature of their job, driver fatigue has been a target of recent legislation limiting truck drivers’ drive times. However, most drivers will attempt to get around the laws by fudging their log books. Also, the new legal amount of operation time for a driver is still a long time without sleep.

Illegal Maneuver: Tractor-trailers are extremely large vehicles, and when they are not operated properly they can cause serious damage. An illegal maneuver such as rolling through a stop sign, yielding at an intersection, or failing to check if lane is clear before switching can mean damage.

Mechanical Error:
Being the large machines that tractor-trailers are, they also have a lot of parts. If these parts are not maintained properly, they can malfunction and cause an accident. Worn out tires, faulty brakes, or other defective parts will lead to an accident.

Poor weather conditions: During severe weather, such as torrential downpours, heavy fog, snow storms, or icy weather can severely hinder a trucker’s ability to operate their rig. Also, due to poor road conditions, it can affect the time it takes for a truck to slow down and stop as well.

Overloaded cargo: If a truck is overloaded with cargo, it will affect the way the truck handles and can cause the driver to lose control of the vehicle. Also, overloaded cargo may not be properly secured and cause the cargo to spill out of the truck, and become hazardous to other drivers.


When tractor-trailers are involved in accidents with regular motor vehicles, the results can be deadly. This summer, famous comedian and actor Tracy Morgan was involved in a collision with a tractor-trailer that killed one of his friends, and he has kept him in the hospital. It was found the driver of the truck suffered from extreme fatigue at the time of the accident.

If you, a loved one, or someone you know was seriously injured in a trucking accident that you believe was caused by a negligent driver, you may be entitled to compensation. Our experienced trucking accident attorneys at Dolman Law Group will aggressively fight to hold those negligent responsible for the accidents they have caused and will get you the compensation you deserve. Contact us today for a free and confidential consultation at 727-451-6900 or via our online contact form.

Dolman Law Group
800 North Belcher Road
Clearwater, FL 33765
 Visit: http://www.dolmanlaw.com/practice-area/truck-accident/